Please Register to select desired membership.

  • Free

    $0,00 USD 1 Years

    Recurring No

    This is Free trial membership. You can enjoy all our membership features during your membership. Remember that your name and data will Not be added to any of waiting lists (citizenship, work, etc), unless you upgrade to one of our paid packages.

  • Blue Package

    $29,00 USD 24 Months

    Recurring Yes

    You donate 29 USD per month. Membership in the Kingdom website/app is Free. You need to upgrade to a paid package only if you plan to support the Kingdom of North Sudan. Benefit: _ This is our cheapest membership package to join the Normal citizenship waiting list.

  • Purple Package

    $49,00 USD 24 Months

    Recurring Yes

    You donate 49 USD per month. Benefits: _ You will join the citizenship waiting list. _ You recieve membership certificate by post. _ Purple membership is recommended if you have higher education. Red members will get 20 extra points when the citizenship process starts.

  • Red Package

    $79,00 USD 24 Months

    Recurring Yes

    You donate 79 USD per month. Benefits: _ You will join the citizenship waiting list. _ You recieve membership certificate by post. _ You recieve a paper signed by Princess Emily. _ Red membership is recommended if you would like to work as a high tech professional or scientist in the Kingdom. Green members will get 30 extra points when the citizenship process starts.

  • Green Package

    $99,00 USD 24 Months

    Recurring Yes

    You donate 99 USD per month. Benefits: _ You will join the citizenship waiting list. _ You recieve membership certificate by post. _ You recieve a paper signed by Princess Emily. _ Green membership is recommended if you would like to contibute to the Kingdom as an investor. Gold members will get 50 extra points when the citizenship process starts.